10:09 More than 66,200 new infections and at least 152 deaths in the United States In the United States, the...
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Head of Government of Spain Pedro Sanchez The crisis has called for a meeting this Wednesday due to the rapidly...
The British capital London on Saturday declared a catastrophe due to the rapid spread of the Omigron variant of the...
1/7According to the mayor, the increase in Omigron cases in the British capital is "extremely worrying".2/7Due to the rapid spread...
In Switzerland, the expected infection with the Omigron virus variant is already developing. Recent figures from the province of Geneva...
On January 6, 800 Trump supporters besieged the Capitol in Washington to block his election. The Commission on Inquiry into...
The highest number of corona infections was reported in Denmark on Thursday. Despite the high vaccination rate, the situation in...
1/5Thong instead of safety mask in the air cabin.2/5American pilot Adam Jenny has been fired for his unusual respiratory defenses.4/5Jenny...
On Thursday, 11,070 new corona virus infections were reported in 75,335 trials to the Federal Office of Public Health in...
Fourteen factory workers have been killed in a devastating hurricane in the United States. Reports now reveal: Your employers will...