In Cuba, black rain has been falling from the sky for days after a lightning strike set a fuel depot...
"Friendship without borders" - Chinese President Xi Jinping, 69, described his relationship with Russia earlier this year and pledged his...
Soon after they got married, the man killed his new wife! We are talking about Thomas N.* (45) and Dawn...
North Korea has lifted all corona measures. In a speech carried by the state news agency, President Kim Jong-un declared...
A Russian tourist causes trouble in Salzburg: he makes fun of Ukrainian women because of the war in Ukraine and...
Crucial to Putin's forces Did the Crimean bombing destroy hypersonic bombers?At least ten Russian warplanes have been destroyed in an...
The condition of a beluga whale that went missing in Paris waters worsened as it was washed ashore. The vets...
Not to be confused with erotic and pornographic web service: two fertile women in Ukraine Deronley fans revived. It's a...
It should be quick. Kremlin boss Vladimir Putin (69) wants to take over Ukraine within days in February 2022. But...
Petrol and diesel prices are also fixed in this way Due to the war in Ukraine, fuel prices have skyrocketed....