October 22, 2024

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Corona News on Tigers: Soder calls for a quick signal for compulsory vaccination

Corona News on Tigers: Soder calls for a quick signal for compulsory vaccination
  • 09:28 am: Ö Söder demands a quick signal that vaccinations are mandatory
  • 05:14 am: RKI records 23,428 new corona infections – event lowering to 306.4
  • 01:01 am: Justice Minister Bushman: “No one should be vaccinated against their will” – fines may be imposed
  • 12:21 am: Ramalo calls those who have not been vaccinated with the Novavox

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Ö Söder demands a quick signal that vaccinations are mandatory

Prime Minister of Bavaria Marcus Soder (CSU) Has demanded a speedy signal from the Central Government that imprisonment is mandatory. “We urgently need a quick signal that the vaccine is mandatory,” the CSU politician told the ARD “Morgenmagazin” magazine on Tuesday. If the Expert Council talks about a dramatic situation while at the same time only talking about new communication restrictions, it will not go together. “It doesn’t make sense now to cry in panic when numbers fall,” Soder said. Nevertheless, the federal and state governments need to clarify what the new requirement is today. CoronaThe wave to be faced by the Omigron variant.

“If Omigron really has less rigorous studies, it should be reflected in the measures to a certain extent,” Soder said. “We must first get an accurate assessment of how dangerous Omigran is and how it affects hospitals,” he said. In the paper CoronaExpert Council Central government Since Sunday it says: “At the same time, there is a significant burden on hospitals due to the high number of patients – even in the unlikely event of a significantly weaker disease severity compared to the delta variant.”

Federal officials will discuss the matter on Tuesday afternoon Olaf Scholes (SPD) And with regard to further tightening the measures of the Prime Ministers of the Federal States. With contact restrictions for vaccinated persons, possible restrictions on events, and club closures, the policy prefers the dreaded Omikron wave. Corona– Anti-infective.

To keep this variance as low as possible, the booster vaccine center is of paramount importance, said Carl Lauterbach, the federal health minister in Berlin.

Other corona news of the day:

Bavaria’s health minister does not want to rule out any action against Holtzek Omigran

07:50 am: Bavaria Health Minister Klaus Holtsek is expected to create new ones before the federal-state round CoronaConditions warned against avoiding certain austerity measures from the outset. “If you are honest at this point you can not dismiss anything for a long time,” the CSU politician told Deutschlandfunk on Tuesday. “You have to keep everything open for the future. 2 No one knows what’s going to happen with the terrible Omigron wave. Germany Come. “The virus is having a major impact,” said the head of the Health Ministers’ Conference. “I think we should know that this is still an epidemic emergency.”

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Nevertheless, he did not think anything of making reserve decisions. It is always possible for the federal government and the states to meet at short notice and advise on other tools to control the epidemic.

“Of course this next wave should ensure that the health system does not return to a system that is already in its range,” Holetzek said. “We need to see again that we are doing everything we can to make sure we have enough vaccine.”

Omigron is spreading at record speed in the UK. The virus variant has already arrived in Germany. Strict travel restrictions will soon apply to reduce the spread.

Education Minister Stark-Watsinger opposes school closures across the country

05:25 am: Union Minister of Education Bettina Stark-Watsinger Wants to “completely avoid” new comprehensive school closures. “Children and young people have already experienced a huge burden Corona– The epidemic has spread. They need a better education. Learning gaps should not increase, “said a German newspaper FDP politician on Tuesday ahead of federal-state consultations on tougher restrictions at the beginning of the year.

Stark-Watsinger: “Until we get to the football field, no school is allowed to close.” The Corona– The Omikron variant presents great challenges to the country. It is good that the Expert Committee of the Central Government has prepared a preliminary report on this. “Vaccines, boosters and contact controls are the exact opposite.”

RKI records 23,428 new corona infections – event lowering to 306.4

05:14 am: The nationwide seven-day event is down compared to the previous day. The Robert Koch Company (RKI) gave value CoronaNew infections per 100,000 population per week Tuesday morning 306.4. For comparison: Nationwide the previous day’s value was 316.0 and a week ago it was 375.0 (previous month: 372.7).

Health officials in Germany reported 23,428 RKIs in a single day Corona– New infections. This is clear from the statistics that reflect the position of the RKI dashboard at 05:05. Exactly one week ago there were 30,823 infections. The number of reported infections has been declining for almost three weeks. However, experts fear that due to the highly contagious and fast-spreading Omigran variant, the immediate trend will be reversed.

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According to the latest information, 462 deaths have been reported in 24 hours across Germany. A week ago, 473 people died. RKI has estimated 6,833,050 diagnosed infections with Sars-CoV-2 since the onset of the epidemic. Since many infections are undiagnosed, the actual total number can be significantly higher.

Number of people admitted to clinics CoronaPatients per 100,000 population within seven days were delivered by RKI on Monday at 4.73 (Friday: 5.10). The number of people who recovered on Tuesday was 5,866,900, RKI said. The death toll from Sars-CoV-2 or from a proven infection has risen to 108,814.

Police: 13 emergency services were injured in a corona demo in Mannheim

02:18 am: In case of violent clashes during undeclared protest against CoronaThirteen emergency services were injured in Mannheim, according to police reports. Accordingly, the protesters ignored the ban on gathering and resisted when the police wanted to stop their lift. An officer was taken to hospital. Thirteen people have been arrested in connection with the attack. It will be checked whether a protester can be brought before a judge for causing physical harm. A further 131 were reported to have violated assembly law.

There was also a protest in Weinheim (Rain-Necker district) with 100 participants. Emergency service, two of them were injured. Other demonstrations took place peacefully in Heidelberg, for example. Meetings are not recorded.

Justice Minister Bushman: “No one should be vaccinated against their will” – fines may be imposed

01:01 am: New Union Law Minister Marco Bushman Wants potential general violations Corona– Punish compulsory vaccination with a fine. “No one should be vaccinated against their will through physical coercion,” FDP politician Funke told reporters from the media group. “Instead, it is conceivable that it would be an administrative offense to violate the vaccine certification requirement. Permission would be a penalty.

Bushman opened it Bundestock To a general Mandatory vaccination True or not. He will make a decision only if all applications are submitted. “There is a movement to deny compulsory vaccination, there will definitely be a movement going in the direction of compulsory vaccination,” he said. “There may be a third use that works with the mandatory vaccine based on age.”

About a common vaccine against Corona Pundestock is expected to decide next year on an independent vote without parliamentary committee discipline. Among other things, President Olaf Scholes (SPD) has spoken out in support of the general vaccine demand, but FDP leader Christian Lindner says he is moving in this direction. About 30 FDP members of the Bundestag spoke recently in a draft application against the need for the vaccine.

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Bushman, however, supported the Ambel Coalition approach, not submitting its own draft law, but rather relying on cross-section committee proposals. Parliament has already done this on issues comparable to euthanasia. “The path that goes through team applications creates more acceptance and is a more relevant process,” Bushman said. “Debates like this are one of the best moments in Parliament. It’s relevant to such a difficult question.”

Ramalo calls those who have not been vaccinated with the Novavox

12:21 am: Prime Minister of Thuringia Poto Ramalo (Left) Those who are not vaccinated against MRNA vaccines are urged to use the newly approved Dead Vaccine from the US manufacturer Nova Vox. “The first deadly vaccine is now approved by the European Medicines Agency; the second will soon be followed,” said the head of government of Germany’s editorial network. “As Prime Minister of East Germany, I’m very pleased with it and I say to those who are against mRNA vaccines and those who are currently protesting: if they take themselves seriously, they should definitely be vaccinated.”

Now it’s about producing and providing adequate vaccination, Ramallo said. Then nothing will stand in the way of effective alternative vaccines.

Millions of people in Germany have not yet been vaccinated. This is due to distrust or uncertainty over previously approved drugs. The Novavox product is not an MRNA vaccine like the products of Biontech and Moderna, nor is it a vector vaccine like AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson. Deadly vaccines such as novovax have long been used, for example against hepatitis A and B or the flu. Therefore, it is hoped that the classic vaccine technology will inspire more people to be vaccinated.

Not much is known about the corona variant Omikron. But the first symptoms are now noticed. Delta is different from disease in variation.

All corona reports from December 20 can be found here

More on the topic of corona virus:

with objects from dpa, afp, sid, reuters and apa.

Lauterbach firmly believes that there will be a major Omigron wave in Germany. The CDU accuses the health minister of exaggerating and criticizes Lauterbach for not presenting “any specific data.”