October 22, 2024

Columbus Post

Complete News World

What will happen if Putin fails?

What will happen if Putin fails?

Assassination attempt and continuing rumors of cancer – the question gradually arises: what will happen in the Ukraine war if Putin suddenly fails?

Briefly essential

  • An assassination attempt was made on Vladimir Putin in March. He is said to be in poor health.
  • For a sub, the processes are clearly regulated.
  • One expert firmly believes that an heir will find a way out of the war.

That was recently announced Vladimir Putin At the beginning of the Ukraine war Planned assassination Became. Rumors continue to circulate that the Russian president’s health is deteriorating.

A CrippsSuffering will force him to do it for many days or even weeks in the future In the hospital Have to spend. But, of course, government business can not rest, especially not during the Ukraine war.

Prime Minister Mishin’s favorite for Putin’s deputy

If Putin really wants to step down, the process is over Kremlin– The protocol is precisely regulated. According to the Russian Constitution, the Prime Minister then takes charge The business of the President.

Familiar with Putin’s processes: After the resignation of Boris Yeltsin in late 1999, he acted on his own. After that he became president.

Michael Michustin is currently the prime minister – compared to Nau.ch. Eastern European expert Ulrich Schmidt, 56, calls him a “Putin-loyal technocrat”. If Putin really needs a deputy, Mistin will be his man. Another opportunity is Anton Vajno, the head of the presidential administration.

Schmidt does not believe that Nikolai Badrushev, who is in the media, will be actively treated as an accomplice. “As a hardliner, Badrushev is weak. He is considered the mastermind behind the invasion. This is not a success story from the Kremlin’s point of view.”

After Putin’s resignation, the situation in Ukraine remains the same, except for the war

If Putin had to think not only about a partner, but also about a successor, things would change quickly. Schmidt firmly believes that the Ukraine war depends heavily on Putin.

“He made the decision to invade in solitude. An heir will look for an exit strategy,” he firmly believes. However, on an ideological level, many things would remain the same in Russia. In the alignment of Government There will be no “radical departure from the nationalist trend.”

Do you think the West will lift all sanctions against Russia after the war?

However, it is unclear how Russia will be able to position itself in world politics after the war. Polish President Address Duda recently said: “Pucha, Borodjanga, Mariupol, Russia can not do business as usual.”

He declined to return to the agenda in dealing with Moscow.

More on the topic:

Vladimir Putin’s government Kremlin’s cancer war in Ukraine

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