October 22, 2024

Columbus Post

Complete News World

Those who have not been vaccinated should drop out of the intensive care unit in writing

Those who have not been vaccinated should drop out of the intensive care unit in writing
If beds are scarce, hospital staff should decide who should be allowed to receive more intensive care.

Peter Nephel / DPA

The number of corona infections is increasing again and the vaccination rate is stagnant. Given the dire situation, politicians are now calling on those who are not vaccinated to take a clear stand.

Like a prayer wheel, experts in science and politics insist that the way out of the corona crisis goes through vaccinations first. Nevertheless, as of Wednesday, November 17, only 65.02 percent of the population had been fully vaccinated – one of the lowest vaccination rates in Europe.

Yesterday was Wednesday Recorded that BAG also has 5,981 new infections – about 2,000 more than a week ago. There is a clear upward trend in hospital admissions: intensive care units are already 76.2 percent full, and 16.3 percent of beds are occupied by cov- eral patients – and the trend is increasing.

Health politicians from various parties are also reacting to the dire situation. Ruth Humble, chair of the National Council Health Commission, CH told mediapersonsThe problem with those who have not been vaccinated is a political question that should be discussed now “even if it is undesirable”.

Do not give priority to those who have not been vaccinated

In the event of an overload in the intensive care unit, Humble implements a triage idea between vaccinated and non-vaccinated. Individuals who have not been vaccinated, accusing them of personal responsibility and lack of self-esteem, for example, in the event of a severe goiter, may carry an advance order to discontinue treatment in the intensive care unit.

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The idea was already considered by Zurich Health Director Natalie Rigley (SVP) in the summer, CH Media reports. SVP National Councilor Verina Herzog declared that “those who are vaccinated accept their responsibility to the community and die from emergencies caused by those who are not vaccinated.”

According to the report, FDP National Councilor Philippe Nantermod sees it this way. According to him, “persons who have not been vaccinated should not be given priority in other emergencies.” Nandermot stressed that dealing with this matter is a matter for zones and hospitals.