October 22, 2024

Columbus Post

Complete News World

Taylor († 22) was buried alive in the snow

Finally she sent a video to her family

Nurse († 22) trapped in car for 18 hours due to blizzard – dies

A terrible blizzard is blowing across America. More than 50 people have died across the country so far due to fog and extreme cold. Including Andel Taylor. She died in her car. Before dying, he sent one last message to his family.


Andelle Taylor was hit by a car on her way home and died.

It’s like some doomsday Hollywood movie. Parts of the US are freezing. Blizzard “Elliott” brought snow over the Christmas weekend, temperatures in the double-digit minus range — as low as minus 40 degrees — and hurricane-force winds.

More than 50 people have died across the country so far due to fog and extreme cold. Officials said 28 people died in Erie County alone, the worst-hit New York state. including Andelle Taylor († 22), a nurse from Charlotte (North Carolina).