October 22, 2024

Columbus Post

Complete News World

Putin’s army even recruits students

Straight forward without military training

Putin’s military recruits students by force

Before finishing school, the 18-year-old is called to military service through the back door. His mother tries hard to free him.


18-year-old Nikita’s mother tells an incredible story.

Vladimir Putin’s forces have many problems. There is a lack of motivation, equipment and players. The Kremlin boss has provided supplies with partial mobilization. Even before that – and even after the invasion of Ukraine – he sent men to the front. One of them was a student, just 18 years old. In late February, Nikita was forcibly recruited into the war from the Russian-annexed Donetsk region, Russian newspaper “Novaya Gazeta” reported.

As the mother told the newspaper, police officers suddenly appeared on her doorstep during the school holidays. Nikita was told to go to the recruitment office. “He should do a lesson for young fighters. He knows how to assemble and disassemble a machine gun,” the men said.