October 22, 2024

Columbus Post

Complete News World

Putin is more paranoid than ever

Putin is more paranoid than ever

In the war in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin did not listen to his ministers, despite his own military experience. Also, he is more paranoid than ever.

Briefly essential

  • Vladimir Putin now appears to be isolated in his summer home.
  • He often makes decisions about the Ukraine war alone.
  • Since the beginning of the invasion, his fear of attack has apparently grown.

Its invasion of the neighboring country occurred Vladimir Putin Terrible war in Ukraine. But it runs Not according to plan. In the planned capture of Kiev, Russia failed miserably.

Again and again Russian troops draw attention with great losses: first Sank the important flag “Moskva”, which had 500 employees. Then the Ukrainians managed At the crossing of a river Take out the entire Russian battalion.

Putin did not accept the advice on the war in Ukraine

So the President of Russia can not properly adorn himself with glory in the war in Ukraine. Criticism of Putin’s strategy has come from his own team. He often thinks this alone, as he refers to things like the “Daily Mail”. Kremlin– Visitor Report.

Because the Russian president is less likely to listen to his top ministers. Accordingly, he meets only selected persons – and less and less.

Instead, he stayed at his summer home and held video conferences instead of face-to-face meetings. Pros: If they do not want to hear something, they can end the video call. Like when you talk to her Central Bank– Boss Elvira Nabiullina.

“This war is pushing the economy down the drain,” he said. Then the conversation ended.

He also meets with his defense minister, Sergei Shoigu KremlinThe employer is apparently rarely. Valery Gerasimov, the head of the public service, is said to have had little influence over him. It is important that Putin obtain the opinion of experts on the war in Ukraine. Because he has no military experience.

Putin avoided military service

Putin studied law when he was young – as a student he did not have to serve in the military. Instead he trained as a Reserve Officer. Had to spend a few weeks a year in the military. When he joined the KGB, the Soviet secret service, that too was over.

Do you think the Ukraine war will last long?

Now seems like a regular day Vladimir Putin According to the newspaper: He gets up late in the morning, goes for a swim and then starts work. Because he Website No introduction, explanations of various officials are given to him in paper form.

During the Ukraine war, the Russian president became increasingly paranoid. Many measures have always been taken to ensure Putin’s security.

But now he has to Anger Front a Attack Have that clerk Taste his food. He has a whole team of bodyguards. More way Kremlin Apparently the Russian president rarely takes it.

More on the topic:

Vladimir Putin ECB attack Internet fear Kremlin Ukraine war war

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