February 10, 2025

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Latest information on the corona crisis – WHO warning of 100 thousand corona deaths in winter – News

Latest information on the corona crisis – WHO warning of 100 thousand corona deaths in winter – News
  • 16:20

    Uri and Knitwalton call for health in the fight against infection

    The states of Uri and Knitwalton both record sharp increases in the number of corona cases, recalling people in accordance with basic health rules.

    Basic rules such as hand washing, keeping your distance and wearing a mask are increasingly being ignored, which triggers a worrying course of infection, according to the Knitwalton Health Department. The region has the highest infection rate per 100,000 people, however this is the cause of serious testing.

    Only in the province of Yuri is there more testing currently in the country than in Knitwalton. Tax Specialist Govt-19 calls for better compliance with hygiene and distance rules. For example, physical contact should be avoided when greeting and saying goodbye.

  • 16:04

    The event department calls for the continuation of the 3G strategy

    The Federation of Tour Operators Associations demands that the “established and well-functioning 3G strategy” continue. In addition, Govt will have to reimburse the federal government for the costs of the 19 tests.

    In calling for free trials, the tour operator joins the National Council for Social Security and Health Commission. The demands of the organizers are supported by the cultural work team.

    In its announcement, the Tour Operator Department points out that this is one of the few industries that has been supporting 3G operations nationwide for months and that this is an example of how the implementation is showing a “positive effect”. Because thanks to this strategy, the community can “participate again in economic and cultural life”. In addition, the 3G strategy protects the presence of organizers.

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  • 15:21

    The WHO expects more than 2.2 million deaths in the spring

    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), by the spring of 2022, hundreds of thousands of people in Europe could die from Govt-19 disease. The WHO warns that from today until March 1, 2022, intensive care units in 49 of the 53 countries in the region will be subject to high or severe depression.

    The WHO estimates that the number of recorded corona deaths will rise to more than 2.2 million in the spring. This value exceeds 1.5 million. This can be prevented with immediate action. According to a study, wearing a mask could prevent 160,000 deaths by March 1, 2022.

    The WHO sees three factors behind the growing number of cases in many places: dominant, highly contagious delta diversity in some countries, and loose measures. In addition, many are still exposed to the virus because a large number of them have not yet been vaccinated.

    Cluj wears glasses and a hygienic mask.


    Hans Glck, WHO Regional Director, says the vaccine-plus approach is needed now. In addition to regular vaccine doses and booster vaccinations, activities such as wearing a mask, washing hands, keeping distance and ventilation should be integrated into your routine.


  • 15:03

    Conclusion of today’s Point de Presse

    Today’s Point de Presse’s question and answer session is over. On Tuesday, November 30, at 10:30 a.m., BAG experts will again provide information on the status of the corona infection. Until then, we will keep you updated on our live ticker, thanks for following.

    You can see the summary of today’s press conference Here.

  • 14:59

    Should the Isolation Policy be reconsidered?

    Aglaé Tardin, a Geneva provincial physician and a member of the Cantonal Physicians Association in Switzerland, said that a person who has been vaccinated is less likely to become infected and less likely to spread the virus. “You can definitely consider changing this rule,” Dartin said. Currently this is not an issue. Ultimately, this isolation manipulation is a step towards normalization.

  • 14:58

    Are those vaccinated not adequately cared for?

    A journalist wants to know from experts whether those who have been vaccinated have not received enough attention and are not reminded of the experiment. “We’ve repeated the news,” Cordon’s doctor Dordin replied. Vaccinated people should also be tested for symptoms. It is important to be constantly vigilant, says Dartin.

  • 14:56

    Does it make sense to mobilize the army for a third dose?

    Aglaé Tardin, a Geneva provincial physician and a member of the Cantonal Physicians Association in Switzerland, says: “Such surgery is not currently planned. BAG’s Patrick Mathis says there are a maximum of possibilities in logistics. No one from the military who is already vaccinated is wanted there.

  • 14:53

    What about risk in schools?

    Patrick Mathis, head of the BAG’s Crisis Management and International Cooperation Division, says schools have no qualification with the federal government. “It’s the work of zones, the exchange works well.” It is currently being explored which measures can be implemented wisely. “Repeated tests in schools should be at the forefront.” These can prevent isolated cases and help keep school activities going. “The need for a mask can also be an issue.”

  • 14:52

    How can corona drugs be used?

    These medications should be given on an outpatient basis – that is, before entering the hospital, says Patrick Mathis of the BAG. These medications are especially suitable for those at high risk of complications.

  • 14:50

    How long will it take until all the IPS seats are occupied?

    According to the scientific working group, if the growth is uniform, the capacity limit in the intensive care unit will be reached in January. However, Thanja Stadler believes that growth can be broken.

  • 14:47

    Why is the booster vaccine not accelerated for everyone?

    BAG’s Patrick Mathis says the Federal Commission on Vaccine Issues (Ekif) will expand its vaccine recommendation by the end of November. They do not know when the approval of the treatment product company Swissmedic will take place. “Now it came a few days ago.”

  • 14:46

    2316 certificates were issued after antibody testing

    A journalist wants to know how many certificates were issued after a positive antibody test. According to Patrick Mathis, there are 2316 certificates (as of 12 noon today).

  • 14:44

    Why did the Federal Council sound so relaxed?

    A journalist says you hear very different tones today from the Federal Council last week. According to Patrick Mathis, Zones can take drastic action. In some areas it makes sense to think about this now. Differences can sometimes be “big”. Mathis: “In the end, the question is whether national action is necessary.” The Federal Council will decide that this is a political question.

    Geneva Provincial Physician Aglaé Tardin added: You have to take into account the economic situation of the provinces. “It’s hard to find a harmonious answer.”

  • 14:42

    What do experts say about public welfare measures?

    With the first and second vaccinations you are well protected from the acute course – in addition, the vaccine protects the younger ones from chronic goiter. “Once hospitals are full, everyone suffers,” says Thanja Stadler. Ultimately, it can affect anyone.

    “If the threat was not very real, we would not all think of taking action,” said Patrick Mathis. However, in the elderly, fears become clear again. Now a danger arises again, which is why Mathis believes that people will follow the rules again – for the common good.

  • 14:39

    Which action would be particularly helpful?

    Thanja Stadler, chair of the National Govt-19 Science Task Force, said: “The overall package should be accurate. This requires less contact on the inside – this should be done with masks if possible. “Of course you can close things.”

  • 14:38

    Does it make sense to wear a mask in 3G cases?

    Thanja Stadler says that as there are more cases at present, the probability of there being more victims of the 3G rule is high. He mentions the mask as a tool to reduce the spread in such a situation.

  • 14:35

    Is 2G a problem?

    BAG’s Patrick Mathis says: If more drastic measures are needed again, consider what was previously known. In essence, it’s about reducing the number of contacts, especially within the home. Otherwise, these meetings should take place with a mask.

  • 14:34

    Is a stimulant vaccine campaign planned?

    Nothing like that is currently planned for those over 65, says Patrick Mathis.

  • 14:34

    Was the Refreshment Campaign launched too late?

    When asked if the booster should be delivered beforehand, Tanja Stadler says, “As soon as possible now.” From a purely scientific point of view, there is data for a long time, Stadler explains. She’s glad the booster is now officially protected and the refreshment is now running.

  • 14:33

    Are activities in the ski areas indicated?

    A journalist asks about corona rules in ski areas, for example, wants to know if it is necessary to wear a mask again while standing in line. The main problem is in interiors that are still poorly ventilated, says Tanja Stadler. “Such contacts should be minimized. But despite the certification, there may still be epidemics. Someone is currently focusing on these places.