February 9, 2025

Columbus Post

Complete News World

Amazon employees (†) complained via SMS before the hurricane

Amazon employees (†) complained via SMS before the hurricane

Fourteen factory workers have been killed in a devastating hurricane in the United States. Reports now reveal: Your employers will not let you go home despite the storm warning.

Briefly essentials

  • Eight factory workers and six Amazon employees were killed in the US hurricane.
  • Now there has been criticism of employers’ reaction to the first storm warning.
  • Workers were threatened with dismissal if the factory was vacated.

Drone shots from the US state of Kentucky show shocking disaster. On Saturday night, several hurricanes pounded homes, factories and warehouses. So far 74 people, including one, have been killed Two month old baby.

Many of the dead were those who worked in factories and warehouses during the storm. Now there is criticism of the lack of working conditions and safety measures.

Eight of the dead were candle factory workers. Survivors asked their superiors to go home. By that time, the storm warning had already shown that the hurricane was heading directly towards the factory.

Managers threatened to fire him

A 20-year-old factory worker told an American broadcaster. “NBC Message “:” I was told to leave and if I did, I would be fired. “

Workers were not allowed to go home even after a disaster warning was issued four hours before the hurricane arrived. Instead, the managers recounted all the staff to make sure no one left. Security guards in bathrooms and hallways were asked to continue working when the first alarm went off.

A company spokesman denied the allegations. Workers could have left at any time, he said.NBC News.

The candle plant was the cause of the violence The tornado was completely destroyed. Eight workers were killed. Many more were trapped under the rubble and could not be saved until the next day.

Six workers died at the Amazon warehouse

Six more people were killed when the roof of one of them collapsed AmazonThe warehouse in the state of Illinois collapsed. Relatives of the victims are critical that there are currently no security measures in place. After the disaster alert, warehouse workers were placed in the building’s restroom.

However, the victim’s sister says this did not happen immediately.BBC. When the storm hit, her brother tried to get the last crew to safety. “If the company had taken the storm seriously, it would not have been like that Risking her life Should, ”she explains.

The victim’s friend’s last shared with her News With Amazon– Employees. “I won’t be home until the storm is over,” he writes. When she asked him what that meant, he replied:Amazon I’m not letting you go. “The 46 – year – old is leaving four children.

Mega Corporation has announced that it will sell one million US dollarsDollar Make donations to the affected community. The founders already revealed on Sunday Jeff Bezos I extend my condolences to the families of the deceased.

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News Jeff Bezos Dollar NBC BBC Amazon Tornado

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