July 27, 2024

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Ukraine News: Amherd writes to Putin, Kiev welcomes US billions

Ukraine News: Amherd writes to Putin, Kiev welcomes US billions

Ukraine sees US billions as aid to victory

According to President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev, the billion-dollar military aid approved by the US House of Representatives is vital to Ukraine in its fight against Russia's war of aggression. “And this is a very significant package, which will be felt by both our frontline fighters and our towns and villages affected by Russian terrorism,” Zelensky said in his video message broadcast in Kyiv on Saturday evening. “It's a life-saving decision.”

Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umyerov wrote on the social network X that the whole world is waiting for this decision, “which will bring victory against the Russian aggressor closer.” After months of siege, the US House of Representatives approved a billion-dollar aid package for Ukraine. On Saturday afternoon, the chamber of parliament passed a related bill, which includes about 61 billion US dollars for Kiev. The necessary approval by the Senate is still pending, but is considered certain.

As before, Zelensky thanked House Republican Speaker Mike Johnson for his support in a message to X. He hopes the aid package will now pass the US Senate and land on US President Joe Biden's desk soon. America understood that Russian evil should not prevail in the war.

“The United States has demonstrated its leadership since the first days of this war. And this kind of American leadership is critical to maintaining an international order in the world based on the rules of life and predictability of all nations,” Zelensky continued in his video message. “We will use American support to strengthen both our countries and bring this war to a just conclusion — a war that Putin must lose.” Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin launched his war against the neighboring country on February 24, 2022.

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Russia expects US aid to Ukraine and calls it destructive

From Russia's perspective, according to the Kremlin, US aid will push Ukraine further into ruin. “The decision to give aid to Ukraine was expected and predicted. It will continue to enrich the US, further destroy Ukraine, and lead to even more destruction of Ukrainians,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, according to Russian state news agency Tass.

Moscow has repeatedly accused Kiev of wanting to fight with Western help until there are no Ukrainians left. Western arms aid was said to have prolonged the war. At the same time, Peskov again warned against confiscating Russian state assets. If that happens, America will have to answer. A Kremlin spokesman said Russia would respond in line with its own interests. The House of Representatives also voted Saturday to freeze frozen Russian assets. The details of the decision still need to be analyzed, Peskov said.

Military aid to Israel and Taiwan was also approved in the US House of Representatives. It also met with criticism in Moscow. “Military aid from the United States to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan will exacerbate global crises,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said. “Military aid to the Kiev regime is direct support for terrorist activities; for Taiwan – interference in China's internal affairs; for Israel – a direct path to an unprecedented deterioration of the situation in the region.”

Relief in the West and NATO about US votes

In contrast, politicians in the West reacted with relief to the US decision. Foreign Minister Annalena Berbach spoke about the “Day of Hope for the Security of Ukraine and Europe”. The green politician wrote on Platform X: “The hearts of the most important Ukraine supporters are beating again.” America and Europe stand together on the side of freedom and against Putin's “war on terror.”

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“With support, Ukraine can win,” said British Foreign Minister David Cameron.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg hailed the US vote as an investment in the defense of states in the military alliance. “Ukraine is using weapons provided by NATO allies to destroy Russian combat capabilities,” he said. “This makes everyone in Europe and North America safer.” A significant increase in aid would complement the double-digit billion dollars “provided to Ukraine by European allies.”

Baltic countries welcome US decision

The Baltic States have welcomed the decision of the US House of Representatives. “A great day for the free world, a great day for Ukraine,” wrote Latvian President Edgars Ringevics on X (formerly Twitter). Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas said: “I hope this vote will encourage all allies to search their camps and do more.” Lithuania's head of state Kitanas Nauseda stressed: “This is a big step towards victory, and all allies should continue to support Ukraine.”

In an interview with Brazilian journalists, President Zelensky had previously warned of a decline in support for Ukraine and a failure. If Putin wins the war, the Baltic states could be the next to be occupied by Russian troops, he said. Kremlin leader Putin has repeatedly said recently that Russia would not attack a NATO member, and therefore would not attack the Baltic states.

Ukraine has been defending itself for more than two years against a Russian war of aggression with Western help. The leadership of the country, which wants to join the European Union and NATO, recently insisted that more weapons and ammunition are needed to stop the Russian advance. Above all, the country's air defense system needs to be strengthened so that cities are better protected against Russian missile and drone attacks. (DBA)