October 22, 2024

Columbus Post

Complete News World

The Russians send grain to their country

The Russians send grain to their country

Vladimir Putin blocked countless tons of grain during the Ukraine war. Occupied Cerson can now export grain again – to Russia …

Briefly essentials

  • Ukraine’s grain exports have been hampered by Putin’s sanctions.
  • Russia now exports grain from Chersonese to its home country.

Putin has been blocking grain exports for weeks during the Ukraine war. With that he wants KremlinThe boss is said to have triggered a famine in the Middle East and Africa. Thousands of people will have to flee to the west – it will weaken it.

Now some of the grain is moving into the occupied town of Cherson. But not in the Middle East. The Russians now send grain to their home country.

This is last year’s harvest. This was confirmed to the state news agency “Tass” on Monday by the deputy head of the pro-Russian military administration in Kherson, Kirill Stremousov.

According to Stremoussow, the aim is to create space in stores for the new harvest. Therefore, a portion of the grain shares were sold to Russia. He did not provide any information under any circumstances Farmers They gave their harvest to Russia.

A portion of the grain harvested last year is taken from storage. In the next stage, they want to supply sunflower seeds to Russian production plants.

Ukraine is one of the largest grain producers in the world. About 34 percent of world wheat comes from Russia and Ukraine. To date, 90 percent of exports have passed through ports in the Black and Azov Seas. Much affected by the siege Is Asia and North Africa.

Western politicians are speculating on Russia’s famine crisis and accusing it of using it as a foreign power. Moscow has denied the allegations.

Are you afraid of the further consequences of the Ukraine war?

However: with a phone call German Chancellor Olaf Scholes And the President of France Emmanuel Macron That is what Putin pointed out. He is ready to export grain to western countries Loosen the barriersSaid the Russian president.

More on the topic:

Emmanuel Macron Vladimir Putin Peasants Kremlin Ukraine War

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