October 22, 2024

Columbus Post

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Summit in Italy: G7 wants to arm themselves against election interference – News

Summit in Italy: G7 wants to arm themselves against election interference – News

Italian boot heel on the second day of the G7 summit, a variety of topics were on the agenda. The Pope’s visit was a novelty.

This is about: The second day of the meeting of the seven most important economic powers (G7) included bilateral meetings and press conferences of various participants. The summit covered a wide range of topics: China, migration, climate and Ukraine, to name a few. On Friday, the special guest also met the leaders of the G7 countries. As the first head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis wore Italian shoes to a meeting in Apulia. The G7 summit meets until Saturday at a luxury hotel in Borgo Egnazia, near Bari. The G7 group consists of the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Japan, France, Italy and Germany.

Final Report: In the closing declaration of the G7 summit, participants were “more concerned than ever” about manipulation and interference in democratic institutions and elections. At the same time, the G7 reaffirmed its commitment to protecting fundamental values ​​and human rights, given the rapid development of new technologies. Attempts are being made from various quarters to undermine the sovereignty of states and their democratic values ​​through “interventionist campaigns, malicious cyber activities and cross-border repression”. The document discloses the address to which the charges were sent. However, Russia in particular has been criticized for wanting to influence the election.

China needs pressure

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EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has urged the use of more economic policy pressure against China. “Without such leverage, China will ignore our demands for a level playing field,” he said at a panel discussion on economic security, according to summit participants. Van der Leyen cited the EU’s punitive tariffs on Chinese electric cars as an example of how to apply the pressure. China’s overcapacity and state-sponsored exports have worrisome implications for the rest of the world.

Food Safety Initiative: In a draft declaration, G7 summit participants spoke in favor of combating malnutrition in the world. “Structural barriers to food security” need to be overcome. Particular attention is paid to the poorest countries in Africa. Developing countries also need easier access to financing options.

A review of the aid system

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Oxfam complains that nothing concrete was achieved at the G7 summit for climate protection and the fight against world poverty. It is welcome that the G7 countries want to recommit to limiting global warming to 1.5°C and moving away from fossil fuels. “The real litmus test will be the next round of voluntary commitments that all countries must submit under the Paris Agreement next year,” said Oxfam spokesman Jorn Kalinski.

Special Visit: Pope Francis gave a speech on artificial intelligence. On the one hand, AI inspires because of its possibilities, but on the other hand, it inspires fear because of its dangers. “It’s up to everyone to use them wisely,” he said. So politics should create conditions for favorable use. In particular, Pope Francis urged politicians to ban so-called dangerous autonomous weapons. His words also haunted other heads of state and government, such as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Argentina’s Javier Mille, who were guests in Apulia.

Controversial Topic: Italy’s right-wing Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, as host of the G7 summit, blocked a renewed commitment to abortion rights in the G7 declaration. The German press learned this from negotiating sources. Accordingly, the Final Declaration emphasizes that women have the right to adequate health services. At the G7 summit in Japan in 2023, the group was clearly supportive. French President Emmanuel Macron had already expressed his disappointment with Meloni’s plan on Thursday evening.

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