October 22, 2024

Columbus Post

Complete News World

More than 30 years at depth – dead divers are recovered

30 years after two divers went missing in southern France, the remains of two divers have been found off the coast of Nice. After all search efforts failed in 1993, two serious divers accidentally found the remains of a diver and his diving tank at a depth of 103 meters in December, broadcaster BFMTV reported, citing authorities on Thursday.

Police located the divers with a diving robot. During the recovery of the dead body, which was arranged at a later date, officials used the robot's camera to see the remains of the second diver at a depth of 113 meters. Both were brought to the surface. DNA analysis of the skeletons of the dead should now provide final confirmation of their identity. When they dived in 1993, the men were 38 and 40 years old.

Accompanied by another diver, the two set out to dive at the “Tompand des Américaines,” an attractive but dangerous diving spot, according to a report in the “Nice Madin” newspaper. While descending, one of the divers got into trouble and the other two tried to help him. Eventually, only the youngest of them, a 22-year-old man, made it back to the surface and alerted rescuers. A two-day search for the missing was unsuccessful.

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