October 22, 2024

Columbus Post

Complete News World

Russian troops shot and killed their own comrades

Russian troops shot and killed their own comrades

Two Russian soldiers wanted to help a mother and her daughter escape during the war in Ukraine. One of the two gave his life for it.

Briefly essential

  • When the city of Kharkiv is attacked, a Ukrainian mother and her daughter flee.
  • They meet two Russian soldiers, who help them hide.
  • Other Russian soldiers who noticed this opened fire.

Millions of people have been displaced since the outbreak of war in Ukraine In the country. Irina Perliphone and her daughter Carolina also wanted to take care of him Attack of the Russians Security on Kharkiv as soon as possible. They got in the car and drove off – suddenly interrupted until they escaped.

“Think Murmur She drove the car, but she panicked, “29-year-old Carolina told The Sun. Stopped And two Russian players recorded. “We feared the worst, but they really helped us.”

Russian soldier: “Do not shoot!”

The two disappeared Murmur And the daughter was near a couple garages and stayed with them for 15 minutes. However, they were later spotted by a group of other Russian soldiers.

Yes, they start shooting all four!

“I was face down. I could only hear gunshots,” Carolina explains. “When I looked up, there was blood everywhere. I was convinced I was going to die.” But not only them – their Russian aides were also shot.

Carolina, one of the Russian soldiers who helped, began to cry when she heard a “begging” for her life. “He said:” Do not shoot, do not shoot, “says the Ukrainian statement.

Asking does not help. Enemy forces kill one of the soldiers who helped the women, 52-year-old Irina. “I got up and started to tremble because I saw my mom. I saw the bullet in her head and realized she was dead. I was like that. Anger I can not believe it all, “Carolina explained today.

The incident is being investigated as a war crime in the war in Ukraine

The shelling continued, but the 29-year-old was able to escape. He was dragged in a car with a badly wounded Russian soldier. She was also shot and wounded.

Is the Ukraine war scaring you?

She finds clear words about the Ukraine war: “No one deserves this, we tried to get out of it.” It was horrible, it ruined my life. I’m devastated. “

The incident took place in February. He is now being prosecuted for war crimes.

More on the topic:

Mother fears war in Ukraine

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