February 9, 2025

Columbus Post

Complete News World

Quiz: Name Watson's favorite foods

Quiz: Name Watson's favorite foods
Pizza Hawaii

You may also like this dish. Or not. Who knows. You might be. with confidence.Collection: www.imago-images.de


Raphael Pullman

Dear Quiz Class

We already had national dishes, now favorite dishes! The Watsons happily provided the information, and now it's up to you to identify the foods based on the description.

You can also see who named each dish. Some of them are a little more complicated or even less well-known; Individual components or country of origin are also counted. I tried to be generous.

What do you think of the foods mentioned? What is your favorite food? Prefer a different topic? Comment column is open.

Good luck!

How it works:

  • Name 13 favorite foods you crave.
  • You will get an explanation to help you.
  • Order doesn't matter.
  • Pay attention to correct spelling. Some alternatives are also applicable, but we cannot account for all variants.
  • The countdown begins and you have 14 minutes.
  • Press “Play” and let's begin!


12-13 points: 6.0 – Chef!
10-11 points: 5,5
9 Points: 5,0
7-8 Points: 4,5
6 Points: 4,0
Below are 6 points: Detention!


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Architecture: These pictures show why Sembach is a great city


Architecture: These pictures show why Sembach is a great city

The Swiss Department of Heritage presents the small town of Sembach in Lucerne with the 2017 Walker Prize. Image: The postmodern new building integrates the old building from the end of the 15th century. Architect: Werner Hunziger.

Quelle: Keystone / Caiton Pauly

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