February 10, 2025

Columbus Post

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Packing list and equipment – to be included

Packing list and equipment – to be included
Backpack with first aid kit.

In addition to a first aid kit, you should pack spare clothes and food in your emergency bag.Image: imago-images.de

A nuclear power plant accident, a fire, an earthquake – everyone must leave their usual surroundings immediately during an evacuation. But what should you take with you? A guide.

Jennifer Buchholz / T-Online

Written article


Escape is an exceptional situation that many people are not prepared for. It’s often triggered by an event that requires quick action – leaving your own four walls.

Now is not the time to think about what to take with you. This makes it very important to have a small escape backpack that is ready to hand in an emergency and only needs to include a few everyday items. Preppers refer to this escape baggage as a “bug out bag” (BOB).

Here you will find the most important things.

Note on story title: Disaster refers to a disaster or other social emergency in which people are no longer safe at home.

What goes in?

Packing list for an escape backpack

The German Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief recommends that an escape bag should be practically packed and always ready to hand – even if there is plenty of time to pack.

According to experts, the following items should be in an emergency bag (in alphabetical order):

  • A battery operated radio or crank radio
  • Document Folder (Family Certificates, Savings Books, Insurance Policies, Qualifications, Certificates, Identity Cards and other irretrievable documents – at least one copy, packed in waterproof card)
  • First aid supplies and personal medications
  • Dinnerware and Cutlery
  • Gloves, warming up
  • Hygiene products (dental care, soap and, if necessary, menstrual hygiene products)
  • Appropriate clothing for certain days – warming or protection from sun and rain depending on weather conditions; Also apply the onion principle here
  • Headgear – Depending on the weather, hats to protect you from the sun and rain or hats to protect you from the cold
  • A rain jacket or raincoat
  • Reserve batteries – for radio or flashlight
  • Sleeping bag or fleece blanket
  • Protective mask or temporary respiratory protection (FFP2, preferably FFP3)
  • Flashlight – preferably a headlamp
  • Food for at least two days – packed dustproof
  • Water bottle – at least two liters in size
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If you have to run with babies, you also need to think about diapers. A chest bag or so-called SOS capsule is better for babies. It contains the descendant’s name, date of birth and address.

Before escaping, you should include the following items in your emergency bag:

  • Identity document – ​​ID and/or passport
  • Money
  • Cash card
  • Health insurance card
  • Keys – car keys, house keys
  • Smartphone or cell phone – plus a charging cable or power bank

One backpack must be packed per person.

Emergency bags should be stored in an easily accessible location.

Emergency bags should be stored in an easily accessible location.Image: imago-images.de

It can also be kept in an emergency bag

Survival experts also recommend equipping your escape backpack with animal repellant spray (pepper spray). It makes it possible to protect yourself at least to a certain extent in dangerous situations. The following items are also useful:

  • water disinfection tablets,
  • A mild or fire steel,
  • Multifunctional tool,
  • duct tape,
  • (microfiber) strip,
  • Hygiene gel or spray.

What Makes a Good Escape Bag?

A Emergency backpack It is intended to help you survive the first few days of evacuation. And in the worst-case scenario – for example, if you are no longer allowed or unable to enter the house – you can cope faster and better.

So the backpack should be adequate. A volume of 65 liters should be sufficient. Padded shoulder straps and a limited number of pockets are key.

A rain cover on the backpack is useful even if it is not water-repellent. It should be relatively strong, able to carry enough weight and withstand hard use – for example, when you sit on it or it stands on rough ground – without damage.

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Also: The emergency backpack should be positioned so that it can be easily reached in an exceptional situation. Hiding behind several boxes in the attic or basement is not a suitable option.


Here, outdoor influencer Fritz Meinecke shows what he packs in his emergency bag:

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This is how preppers prepare for power outages and other disasters

Preppers prepare for power outages, earthquakes, pandemics and other crises in which the government can no longer protect and provide for its citizens.

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