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Mother, father and son die in 12 days in Germany

Mother, father and son die in 12 days in Germany

In Germany the mother, father and son died of corona within twelve days. The Youth Welfare Office is now looking for a solution for girls under the age of four.

Briefly essentials

  • Mother, father and son die of corona in 12 days in Germany.
  • Daughters under the age of four are temporarily living with an aunt.
  • The whole family was not vaccinated.

Corona-play in Thailand: Mother, father and son die of goiter within two weeks. Has five daughters, four of whom are minors.

It all started in late November, according to the “Built” report, when the 30-year-old son developed a fever and could not breathe. The presence of corona damage was confirmed on examination. Despite the severe symptoms, he did not go to the hospital believing that the symptoms would disappear when he slept well. But he did not wake up.

The youngest daughter and parents also became infected. When the nine-year-old child had only a few symptoms, the mother and father had to go to the hospital and were taken to the intensive care unit.

Corona virus: The whole family is not vaccinated

First the father has to go Come Put, then mom too. He died December 13, two days after his son, twelve days later.

As the son from the father’s first marriage tells “Bildt”, his half-sister sisters now live with an aunt. The Youth Welfare Office operated and provided psychological care to the girls in order to find a permanent solution.

He has been around since then Dot His fathers Vaccinate immediately. It is a mistake not to let the whole family do this quickly.

More on the topic:

Coma death corona virus mother father

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