October 22, 2024

Columbus Post

Complete News World

Former Federal President Joachim Kock lectures in Switzerland. And not for the first time

Former Federal President Joachim Kock lectures in Switzerland.  And not for the first time

“We must not back down from this once-in-a-century conflict,” former German federal president Joachim Gagke said in a landmark interview with Thamedia. According to him, it would be a “moral and political imperative to fight alongside Kiev to preserve democracy”.

At 83, the former GDR church official could easily call for a “fight”; He is unlikely to get a call to the front personally. It is also not known that Gauk sent his sons to fight in the Ukraine.

And then he and they find out tag-Journalists see typical “right-wing populism” and “authoritarian attitudes” among all parties and people who disagree with today's immigration policy.

Perhaps Gauck doesn't recognize any history or even the slightest mistake made by the West in the run-up to the Ukraine war: “Putin didn't say a word about the threat from NATO until the 1990s. Zero!” But Vladimir Putin has only been at the helm of Russia since August 1999. So how did Putin's earlier statement about NATO reach Gauk's ears?

According to Joachim Gauck, it is indeed a “moral, but also a political imperative” to show “our solidarity” to the victim of Putin's attack by “going there” and “fighting with us”. Should German tanks roll back into Russia? But the former federal president says he doesn't want a world war or a nuclear war.

Cock has “zero understanding” of Swiss neutrality and has trouble understanding “why Switzerland is so alien to the EU”. The theologian from Berlin has many problems of understanding. During his state visit to Bern in 2014, he actually said: “Direct democracy poses risks when citizens vote on very complex issues.”

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Unfortunately, we don't have a Swiss Federal President: “Dear Colleague Cock, Swiss citizens have caused Europe much less misery in the last hundred years by their direct democratic decisions than their German kings, dictators and parliaments. “