October 22, 2024

Columbus Post

Complete News World

Sanctions could lead to Putin’s coup

Sanctions could lead to Putin’s coup

The Russian people have been particularly affected by the sanctions imposed during the war in Ukraine. Social unrest can lead to regime change.

The essentials in a nutshell

  • The West has been imposing economic sanctions on Russia for months because of the war in Ukraine.
  • Russians are particularly affected by the economic downturn.
  • A former aide to the US president thinks regime change is likely.

The war in Ukraine has been going on for months. The West works with economic sanctions – which also affects the Russian people.

“The economy has suffered and will suffer even more. It will directly affect the quality of life of Russians. It will decrease.” Former Special Assistant to the President of the United States, William Courtney, said this on Times Radio.

of Quality of life is further threatened “It’s already lower than it was before the Russian invasion in 2014,” warns Courtney. At the time, the West was bracing itself against sanctions for the first time.

Ukraine war: “regime change possible”

An extension cannot therefore be ruled out: “a combination of military factors, Disappointments in Ukraine and Economic factors lead to social and political unrest.”

The former special aide is convinced that the situation will not affect Putin: “A regime change is possible.” Attempts to topple Putin could become a reality, Courtney said.

Because Russia’s crumbling economy will also reveal its bankruptcy. At the same time, it is a sign of the effectiveness of Western sanctions.

Sanctions can cripple the economy for a long time

And the The Kremlin There was “anger” about the sanctions, which would increase pressure on Putin. Moscow lays claim to the outside world But he continued that the Russian economy was not affected. Russian political scientist Ilya Matveev still sees them as such.

Yet he also sees a danger to the country’s economy in sanctions: “If the goal is to weaken Russia economically over time, sanctions work 100 percent,” Matveev told NPR.

Do you support sanctions against Russia?

More on the topic:

Ukraine war war Kremlin

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