1/4Wladimir Putin and Emmanuel Macron for Lacher.2/4Der russische Machthaber ...4/4... and the franchisee Prosident sitzen an einim official tiffen ...Frankreichs...
An Owner of Style Wild Ole Braathen Geborgen. Die Helfer fanden nur noch nein leblosen krper.Ole Martin Braathen († 43)...
The trucks were stopped by police during a rally against corona operations in Ottawa. Photo: Patrick Doyle / The Canadian...
Am Samstagabend fuhr eine 17-Jährige in Berlin ohne Maske in der Tram. Daraufhin wurde sie von Erwachsenen tetlich angegriffen. Sie...
1/4A 17-year-old man was attacked in hospital after riding a tram in Berlin.2/4Apparently she refused to wear the mask.4/4It will...
Rescue workers loaded the body of five-year-old Ryan into an ambulance. dpa In Morocco a boy fell and was trapped...
1/5Auf Queen Elizabeth II. soll in Grossbritannien Derinst Queen Camilla folgen.2/5Das has the Queen in another Mitteilung profile. If you...
Russia wants to know Switzerland's position on security in Europe and NATO's expansion to the east. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei...
1/4At least seven patients have died after an X-ray examination at a government hospital in St. Petersburg. (Archive image)2/4During the...
1/6Ex-Vize-Prisoner Mike Pence brings distanz zich with ex-President Donald Trump.2/6Mike Pence says: "Trump lied falsch!"5/6Trumps Ziel war is, the certification...