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Traffic rules have been tightened in Italy amid the holiday season

Traffic rules have been tightened in Italy amid the holiday season
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In the future, Italy will take tougher measures against those who drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Other penalties have also been increased.

ROME – Many Germans go to Italy on vacation. It’s important to know the applicable traffic rules so you don’t get your vacation ticket or, worse, your driver’s license suspended. This will become even more important in the future, as the Italian Council of Ministers has now passed a legislative decree which significantly tightens some penalties. In some cases, you can lose your driver’s license for up to 30 years. The new rules also apply to e-scooters.

According to the strict traffic rules in Italy, repeat offenders will face heavy fines

The new law mainly targets drivers who drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Italian news magazine Republic He writes on coverage of the draft law From the zero tolerance limit. If you test positive for drugs or alcohol, your driver’s license will be confiscated and you will be banned from driving for up to three years. Remember first time offenders.

Traffic rules have been tightened in Italy amid the holiday season
A new traffic law in Italy targets people who drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. © Manfred Segerer/imago

Anyone caught repeatedly will be allowed to have their breath alcohol tested every time they get behind the wheel. In this case, the law provides for the installation of an alcohol ignition lock in the offender’s car. If the breath alcohol is not 0.0 a mil, the car will not start. The devices are already used in other countries, for example the United States and Sweden. Repeat drunken driving convictions can result in a 30-year driving license suspension.

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If you get caught driving under the influence and driving without a license as a minor, you can miss your driving test at 18. Driving license can be obtained only at the age of 24.

According to new traffic regulations, e-scooters will only be able to ride with helmets in future.

Other rules will apply to e-scooters like the Portal in future stol.it reported. On the one hand, the draft law provides a general obligation to wear helmets. Additionally, scooters must have a number plate and be insured. If not, there is Republic A fine of 100 to 400 euros.

It’s even more expensive for road-going e-scooter drivers without indicators or brakes on the front and rear wheels. Up to 800 euros are payable here.

Cyclists and electric scooters on a street in a city
In future, helmets will also be mandatory on Italian roads for e-scooter riders. © Frank Hoermann/Sven Simon/imago

The law provides more than fines for using a phone while driving. If you keep your smartphone behind the wheel, you will have to surrender your driver’s license and be banned from driving for seven to 15 days. The same goes for running a red light, speeding, and not wearing a seat belt.

Parliament will decide on the draft law in the autumn

The aim of the new regulations is to increase the safety of vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists. He left the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport in front Republic announce. Transport Minister Matteo Salvini hopes parliament will vote on the law in the autumn and give it the green light. (sp)

* Transparency Note: The first version of this article did not explicitly state why drivers in Italy must surrender their driver’s license. It was corrected on Friday, June 30, 2023 at 09:47 AM.