Just work for two hours on Monday – she says
American Marissa Jo Mays launched the latest ad to combat stress at work: “Relax Monday”. Your suggestion is polarizing.

Marissa Jo Mayes has found a great way to prevent burnout: She only works two hours at most on Mondays and chats in between.
Photo: Tiktok/marisajo (screenshot)
Are you leisurely reading this article during your work hours? You are doing right. At least in the eyes of Marissa Jo Mayes. A young American entrepreneur recently spread a bold concept on Tiktok – #BareMinimumMonday, which translates to “bare Monday”.
Her advice: Instead of getting on the work hamster wheel, checking emails and working through to-do lists, spend your time on Mondays doing things that are good for you and fun. Read something, relax, eat comfortably. From the 29-year-old’s point of view, two hours of productive work is enough to start the new week.
It’s the perfect solution to that nagging feeling that plagues many on a Sunday night, and Mayes says it’s a great way to prevent burnout. With a chance for a relaxed start to the week, you can relax until the last minute on Sunday.
Marissa Jo Mayes struck a nerve with “Bare Minimum Monday” and sparked countless polarizing reactions. Some people think their idea is brilliant, sharing their burnout stories under the hashtag #BareMinimumMonday and explaining why Monday is the worst of all work days. Many consider this concept completely unrealistic, as it is only suitable for flexible jobs and relaxed or absent managers.
“After experiencing irritation, I see things differently.”
The two-hour maximum scheme does not work for a teacher, doctor or worker in a restaurant or for engine drivers, postal workers and air traffic controllers. Many accuse Mayes of arrogance and laziness — typically Generation Z. For some, “Bare Minimum Monday” is just another joke on social media, said to be a trend.
“At any other time in my career I would have rolled my eyes,” Marissa Jo Mayes admitted in an interview.Business Insider“But after going through burnout, I see things differently.” Of course, “bare minimum Monday” isn’t realistic for everyone. She’s self-employed and works from home, so it works for her.
Twice Marissa Jo Mayes: In the short film, as the happy self-employed person on the right after a year just before she was burned and just before she was laid off.
Photo: TikTok screenshot
But Mayes also knows the employee side: As of 2020, he worked for a medical device company. “I was completely unhappy and burned out. I thought the problem was my boss or the work culture.” She withdrew (He captured the minutes before and after in a TikTok video) He founded a productivity tools startup.
Don’t just do anything
However, she felt stressed by her to-do lists and perfectionism, and the Sunday night nagging feeling was getting worse. Until she started doing the minimum on Mondays. In the first two hours, her cell phone goes off, she doesn’t check any email, she wants to read something, write in her diary or do something around the house.
She starts working properly just after noon and sets a timer for two hours. She picks two or three important things and concentrates on them. She will be completely absent from Monday’s meetings. After that she may go for an hour, or not at all. The foundation was laid for a positive work week. Because she puts less pressure on herself, she’s more productive, she says. “Bare Minimum Monday” has completely changed my life.
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“Wannabe pop culture fanatic. Zombie advocate. Entrepreneur. Internet evangelist. Alcohol fanatic. Typical travel buff.”
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