October 22, 2024

Columbus Post

Complete News World

The Russians have been stranded at the airport for months

The Russians have been stranded at the airport for months

Not wanting to fight in the war in Ukraine, five Russians fled to South Korea. There they were stuck at the airport and did not get any food.


The essentials in a nutshell

  • Five Russians fled to South Korea before mobilization.
  • They have been stranded at the airport for months as they have yet to receive asylum.
  • With lawyers they now want to get a residence permit.

Thousands of young Russians left If Vladimir Putin Ukraine announced partial demobilization during the war. So is Vladimir Maraktaev, who is now stuck with four Russians at Seoul Incheon Airport in South Korea.

He has nothing against the military, he told The Korea Times. “If someone attacks us and puts my loved ones in danger I will fight.” That’s why he completed his mandatory military service three years ago.

“But it’s a completely different story when my own country is the aggressor,” said the young Russian. He will not go to war in Ukraine and take up arms to kill innocent people. That’s why he got the draft letter and ran away.

Along with other Russians, he fled to Mongolia and then to Manila in the Philippines. From there he flew to Seoul with four colleagues. Because corrupt politicians will also be held accountable there. This is unimaginable in Russia.

But South Korea is also very strict When granting asylum, Only 1.3 percent of refugees are accepted. The Russians’ claims have not been verified. This is because the Ministry of Justice does not see a valid reason for asylum in avoiding military service.

After fleeing, the Russians had no money

For Vladimir Maraktaev and his colleagues, that means they are not needed in Korea. That is why they are not allowed to leave the airport and they have been living in the departure hall for months. The Department of Justice provides them with minimal meals: a muffin and a carton of juice twice a day, rice and chicken once a day. Russians keep their own money Not anymore because of the expensive flight.

Should Russian refugees be granted asylum?

But perhaps by the end of the month they will have to be temporarily allowed into Korea – or deported. Complaints have been filed in the administrative court with the help of lawyers. Men were persecuted in their homeland for their political views. According to a lawyer, this qualifies for asylum status according to international standards.

But if the Russians are expelled, they face severe penalties in Russia. One of those stranded in Korea was the cause of criticism Government Already in jail.

More on the topic:

Vladimir Putin’s government Ukraine military base

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