October 22, 2024

Columbus Post

Complete News World

Russian defensive lines are manned according to availability

A wiretapped phone call explains how Russian security works

While trying to escape, Putin’s soldiers are “fired by their own people”

Apparently, depending on their position, Russian soldiers are stationed near the front lines to varying degrees. Criminals are at the forefront. If they tried to concentrate, they would be shot by the outcasts from the second row. On these are weapons aimed from the third row.


Mobilized reservation of the Russian army

Putin’s soldiers don’t go to war as fearlessly as Kremlin propaganda would have us believe. Reports of renegade Russian soldiers refusing to fight are piling up. Kyiv now has a Telegram channel “I Must Live” fitted. Russians unwilling to fight could enlist and then surrender. According to the “Kyiv Independent” report, about 2,000 inquiries have already been received. But getting out is not so easy.

As the Telegram channel writes, the Russians are already calling the frontline a “meat grinder.” Because despite the assurances of the Russian military leadership that even the conscripts would be well paid and would first receive thorough combat training, the harsh reality ahead was apparently different. Recently, in Soloty, not far from the Ukrainian border, reservists from the same army unit attacked each other. The men opened fire on each other, killing two dozen soldiers in a matter of minutes. Should have gone straight to war without training.