February 15, 2025

Columbus Post

Complete News World

Prigozhin was Wagner’s boss in the tunnel systems under Bachmut

“My organization is the icing on the cake.”

Wagner raved about the tunnel systems under boss Prigozhin Bakhmut

The Russians and Ukrainians are currently fighting bitterly over Pakmut. Wagner boss Prigoshin has now revealed why.


Fierce battles are taking place between Russia and Ukraine over Pakmut.


Ciara SchlenzNews editor

Russian troops have been battling the eastern Ukrainian city of Bagmuth for months — though the city’s strategic role for Russia remains unclear to the West and the Ukrainian military. Yevgeny Prigozhin (61), head of the Russian mercenary group Wagner, now says on Telegram: The object of desire is not the city of 74,000 people, but the subway system below.

“The icing on the cake is the Solidar and Bakmut mining system, which is actually a network of underground cities,” Prigozhin said Saturday. Reuters– Declarations. “It cannot accommodate a large group at a depth of 80 to 100 meters – even tanks and armored personnel carriers can go through it.” Weapons are said to have been stored in this tunnel system before the First World War.