October 22, 2024

Columbus Post

Complete News World

Illerkirchberg: Local politics after the knife attack in review

Ece S. († 14) stabbed in southern Germany – mourners make accusations

“Asylum Seekers Found to Abuse Girls”

Funerals are now underway after the knife attack on Ece S., a teenager in southern Germany. Some of the nearly 1,500 mourners were outraged that the act could have taken place.


An asylum seeker brutally stabbed Ece S. Now the 14-year-old boy was buried.

Many classmates laid flowers on her grave, her family said goodbye in an open coffin, people were stunned: Ece S.* († 14) was buried on Wednesday, and more than 1,500 people attended the funeral.

Ulm mayor Gunter Czisch (59, CDU) and SPD member of the Bundestag Leni Breymaier (62) also attended the funeral. Not all mourners would have liked it.