October 22, 2024

Columbus Post

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G7 Summit in Bavaria – Seven Friends in the Alps – News

G7 Summit in Bavaria – Seven Friends in the Alps – News

The G7 summit in the Bavarian Mountains will be very important for many years to come. It takes place in the midst of a war in Europe – and in the midst of a global food, energy, inflation and climate crisis. Never before have there been so many crises at this meeting. What is it about?

What are the main issues? Above all, the heads of state and government of the G7 countries, the United States, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Great Britain and Italy, want to demonstrate solidarity. Sends a signal for the unity of the great Western democracies. Towards Russia and China, and allies more closely with it. The Marshall Plan for Ukraine is to be adopted as a model for the US plan to help Germany regroup after World War II.

G7 – A world government?

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Gone are the days when the G7 set the pace around the world. Or criticized as a secret world government. The seven powers still make up one-third of the world’s GDP – and this trend is declining – and they make up only ten percent of the world’s population. Led by China, increasingly powerful counter-movements emerged. The number of dictatorial regimes is increasing. On many issues, they are leading a completely different course from the leading Western democracies. Western leadership has passed.

All seven want to show perseverance in sanctions against Russia and prevent the breakdown of unity against war veteran Vladimir Putin. The urgent pursuit of energy security must also prevent the transformation of climate protection targets into torpedoes. A new “Climate Club” is to be formed, whose members support past and new climate goals, to serve this purpose. It’s about mitigating the effects of the Ukraine war – food shortages, terrible energy prices – especially for poor countries. And it is about collective precautions during future epidemics. In short: a lot is at stake.

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Following the G7 protest against the Theresians in Munich. On Saturday, G7 protesters arrived with a large police force.

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Who designed the G7 summit? Thanks to its economic and military strength, the United States has always been at the top of this circle.

  • But the President Joe Biden Ukraine makes a name for itself in the conflict; He can form alliances. But his support in the United States is low. He faces a midterm election and his party could lose. This reduces his weight in the world.
  • The summit is hosted by the Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholes, G7 new to dealing with Russian incursions into Ukraine. He has no charm.
  • Grossbritanniens Premier Boris Johnson He is under pressure at home and at his own party. He wants to divert attention from this with a bold foreign policy look.
  • French President Emmanuel Macron He was one of the key figures in the recent G7 summit, but he has suffered from losing a majority in parliament.
  • Prime Minister of Italy Mario Tracy Is a politically obsolete model. In his country, strong pro-Russian forces will soon re-emerge and endanger Troki’s course.
  • Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau The light that was there when he took office is no longer there. As head of government, he stumbles from crisis to crisis.
  • Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida He is still inexperienced, but is surprisingly firm in the Western camp in view of the Ukraine war.
Biden and Soder


Bavarian Prime Minister Marcus Soder welcomes US President Joe Biden on Saturday evening.

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The G7 is not currently a strong ensemble in terms of employees. Strike and expiration: For the first time in a long time, no woman rules the G7 country. It has become a men’s club.

What can the G7 achieve? If they can maintain their unity after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, they have already achieved a lot. However: G7 resolutions are not set in stone and do not legally restrict anyone. Especially not for states that are not even in the exclusive club. However, scientific research on whether the G7 countries comply with their own agreements shows surprisingly positive results.