October 22, 2024

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BAG 39,807 new cases +++ Austria introduces compulsory vaccine

BAG 39,807 new cases +++ Austria introduces compulsory vaccine

Austria introduces general obligation to vaccinate against corona infection. The National Council decided Thursday with an overwhelming majority. To date this measure has been the most far-reaching regulation in the EU, with Italy and Greece having the mandatory vaccine only for the elderly. In addition, the 4 1.4 billion vaccine lottery in Austria aims to increase immunity.

The mandatory vaccination applies to all citizens under the age of 18. Exceptions are made for pregnant women and anyone who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. Survivors are exempt from the obligation to be vaccinated for up to 180 days after contracting Govt-19 infection. Violation of the obligation carries a fine of up to 6 3,600. Puntesrat, the chamber of the federal states, should probably have approved the law on February 3 – but it is considered a formality.

Austrian Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens) backed the vaccine demand against criticism.

Image: Hans Punz / APA / dpa

Austrian Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens) in the parliamentary debate supported the mandatory corona vaccine as an act of solidarity and solidarity. “More people are being vaccinated against corona, and fewer are dying from corona infection,” the minister said Thursday.

The leader of the opposition Social Democratic Party also supported the plan. “The vaccine saves lives, your own, and the lives of others,” said Pamela Rendy-Wagner, SPÖ leader and epidemiologist. Although the government has missed a lot in the last two years, vaccination gaps can now only be closed with compulsory vaccination. Liberal neo-liberals called for a map to remove restrictions on freedom.

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The right-wing FPÖ is the only parliamentary party opposed to the move. “The introduction of this compulsion is a major attack on the freedom of the people in Austria, an attack on the human dignity of the people,” said FPÖ President Herbert Kickle.

The law is to be implemented in several phases. Random checks by authorities were not scheduled until mid-March. For example, the police should check the vaccine status during their operations. This extra work has also drawn criticism from the police association. Complete control of the first planned by comparing the population record with the vaccine record is only an option. As expected, this measure should be taken depending on whether the vaccination rate increases significantly.

According to the government, each part of the vaccine lottery can win up to 500 euros per vaccine, which can be obtained as vouchers at restaurants or at retail. Not only late decision makers but also those already protected can participate. Every tenth stitch should be rewarded in this way. A total of 75 million euros will be distributed to communities with a vaccination rate of 80 percent, 150 million euros for 85 percent and 300 million euros for 90 percent.

Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens) described the quota as 85 to 90 percent of the population who can be vaccinated from the age of five. It is currently 75 percent. The vaccination rate is 72 percent of the total population.