October 22, 2024

Columbus Post

Complete News World

Azov militants are now facing torture and death in Russia

Azov militants are now facing torture and death in Russia

Kiev wants prisoner exchange after Azov expels militants. Russia, on the other hand, is once again talking about the death penalty in the Ukraine war.

Briefly essential

  • 264 fighter jets were flown from the Azovstal steel plant to Russian-controlled territory.
  • Russia’s parliamentary speaker wants to bring “Nazi criminals” to justice.
  • A bargainer argues that the death penalty should be reintroduced.

According to its own report, Russia is waging a war to “tenacify” its neighbor in Ukraine. An important component of this justification: the Azov Brigade, which was formed in 2014 and fought against the Russian occupiers and pro-Russian separatists. At that time it had the main part Right-wing extremists and neo-Nazis.

Even today, many Azov fighters may have strong right-wing sentiments, and Nazi symbols continue to be used. But Jews are also allowed to fight, a rich Jew who has long been an important donor. Thanks to the great effort of 2014, the controversial regiment was placed under the Ministry of the Interior and has been doing excellent service in Mariupol since February 24, 2022.

It defended the city for a long time and then established itself In a hopeless situation At Azovstal Steelworks. Then on Monday we were admitted 264 militants left the steel plant. Fifty-three of the wounded were taken to Novosovsk, the rest to Olenivka, and two Russian-controlled cities. There they are now waiting for the transfer of prisoners declared by Ukraine.

But Russia has other plans for the “last defenders of Mariupol” in the Ukraine war, Kiev calls the fighters. The Speaker of the Russian Parliament Vyacheslav Volodin speaks according to the “built” of “Nazi criminals” and “war criminals”. Everything must be done to present them Attention Listen, he demands.

Ukraine war: Will Russia reintroduce the death penalty?

Russian negotiator Leonid Slutsky goes on to say in talks with Ukraine: “In view of the horrific human rights crimes they have committed against our prisoners, they are unworthy of life.” So he has thus demanded Death Penalty The fighters of the Azov regiment should be considered.

He was not the first Russian to come out in public with the idea Death Penalty Is playing. Putin’s confidant and former president Dmitry Medvedev Indicated to return to it as soon as possible.

While 264 militants are waiting in Russian-controlled territory, observers worry that they may be tortured or mistreated. It is not clear how many more players are in the Mariupol steel industry. According to previous reports, there should still be more than 300 fighters. Her fate is also uncertain.

Do you think the Ukraine war will end soon?

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