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An additional license plate is required in these countries

An additional license plate is required in these countries
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So-called “country license plates” are mandatory when driving into certain countries so that the car can be assigned. Anyone who does not comply will be fined.

When vacationers travel abroad by car, there are a few things they need to consider – including car insurance. What many people don’t know: Some countries require a so-called “country license plate” on a vehicle. Drivers in the EU needn’t worry – a Euro license plate is sufficient. Things look different outside the EU.

Sticker with “D” on the car: In these countries, additional marking is mandatory

A normal license plate has a blue line with 12 stars on the left edge, which represents the European Union, and below that is a country code like “D” for Germany. This means drivers in the EU, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland are fine on the road, explains “”.

Once drivers leave the EU, they need an oval sticker with a country code. For example, with “T” for Germany. Drivers affix the sticker on the left side of the rear of the vehicle. The sticker is oval, with a black border and the country code in the middle, explaining “”. It is important to be clear which country the car comes from.

Avoid unpleasant surprises: why country stickers are a must for cars

The reason for this regulation is that the International Unique License Plate helps assign a vehicle to a specific country. ADAC explains that this enables authorities abroad to correctly identify the vehicle. Such stickers prevent unpleasant surprises such as compulsions for trips outside the EU and fines abroad.

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Swiss cars have special rules: they must always have a “CH” sticker on the vehicle when they are driven abroad. It is specified in the Technical Requirements for Road Vehicles (VTS) and the 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Transport. Touring Club Switzerland explains that this restriction applies not only to cars, but also to motorcycles and trailers.

Country code on the car: That’s why drivers need to know international abbreviations

In total, there are about 220 different abbreviations worldwide, from countries to autonomous regions like Greenland or Gibraltar. License plates from different countries show how important it is to correctly assign the respective vehicle, especially when traveling internationally, ADAC writes.

National license plates are mandatory when traveling abroad.
National license plates are mandatory when traveling abroad. © IMAGO Andre März/Steinach

If holidaymakers wish to travel abroad with their car, they should check in advance whether they need a country sticker. Such a sticker can avoid a lot of problems by ensuring that the vehicle documents are correct and the car complies with international traffic regulations.

However, many countries outside the EU still do not accept these license plates and insist on an additional country code. This includes Great Britain, which has not been part of the EU since Brexit. Here, ADAC explains that drivers need an oval “T” sign if they drive a vehicle registered in Germany.

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Apart from the country’s license plates, there are other regulations that drivers abroad must adhere to. For example, this includes special equipment such as environmental stickers in some cities or high-visibility vests and warning triangles that are mandatory in some countries.

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Drivers should also keep in mind that traffic rules may vary from country to country. What is permitted in Germany may be prohibited in another country. For example, there are differences in speed limits, right-of-way rules and parking regulations. Thorough preparation can help you avoid fines and ensure a stress-free trip. .