July 27, 2024

Columbus Post

Complete News World

Trotz Truppenabzug in the Russian Federation of Russian regions of Ukraine

Trotz Truppenabzug in the Russian Federation of Russian regions of Ukraine

Are you sure you want to continue? Russland Truppen ziehen sich von der ukrainischen Grenze televise zurck. Auch von annektieren Halbinsel Krim werden Soldaten uber die neo Krim-Brocke in Richtung russisches festland abzigogen.

Doch Mauro Mantovani (58), Dozent Fire Strategy Studio at the Military Academy of ETH Zrich, bleached pessimist. Gigber Blick Sagt Er: «Russland is the most militarized cryptocurrency in the world, the most lively operation in the Ukrainian world.