March 6, 2025

Columbus Post

Complete News World

The killer called the victim's mother: “No one will leave me alone!”


Bloody action in Baden-Württemberg“No one left me!” Adrian (18) told the victim's mother

German police have announced new details: after the bloody crime on St. Leon-Rue, the alleged killer of Lilly (18) took out his cell phone and called his mother.

  • Police have released more details about the St Leon-Rot murder in which an 18-year-old man stabbed his ex-girlfriend to death.

  • After the crime, Adrian K. He allegedly called the victim's mother on her cell phone. “No one will ever leave me,” he told her.

  • The Department of Justice has now filed a murder charge.

Last Thursday, in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, St. A terrible crime took place in Leon-Rot: 18-year-old student Lili was stabbed to death in the Löwenrot-Gymnasium by Adrian K., who was also the same age. . Police said that he killed his ex-girlfriend by slitting her throat and the teenager bled to death.

The alleged killer then got into a car and sped away from the crime scene. From Kassel, the police chased him, but the journey ended after a good 300 kilometers when the young man crashed his Ford into an oncoming BMW and then into a tree and a bus shelter. He clocked 160 kmph on the speedometer. Adrian K. was slightly injured.

Adrienne K., the mother of the victim

Horrific new details of the alleged murder have now emerged. Particularly cold-blooded: Immediately after the crime, according to the newspaper, Adrian K. Grabbing the victim's cell phone, he used it to call Lily's mother: “Nobody's leaving me!” He told the horrified woman.

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“Bild” also reported that Adrian's mother had separated from her husband, a police officer, a year ago. “He obviously could not accept the situation and execute it properly. But no one doubted that he was capable of such an act,” the newspaper said, citing a family acquaintance.

Ex-girlfriend complained to him

On Friday, the State Attorney's Office filed a murder charge. Meanwhile, indications mount that Adrian planned the crime. According to a “Bild” newspaper report, he allegedly left the school shortly before the knife attack because he was sick to find his victim. He then apparently activated the fire alarm.

Adrian beat his ex-girlfriend Lily K in November. A contact ban was imposed against him and a “danger of danger” speech was issued. But that didn't stop Adrienne from continuing to pursue Lilly. A classmate told “Spiegel”: “There were already conflicts before. You probably knew something like this would happen.” He previously “beat Lily to the hospital”.

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