October 22, 2024

Columbus Post

Complete News World

Putin was given no honor at the Caspian region summit

Kremlin leader humiliated at regional summit

All presidents except Putin are formally welcomed

He was the strongest among them, but no one got him. Warlord Putin was publicly humiliated when he arrived at a regional summit in Turkmenistan. No one congratulated him, not a single person stood in line.

Published: 07/02/2022 at 00:01


Updated: 6 minutes ago

Trying to put a good face on a bad game. Russian President Vladimir Putin, 69, knows exactly what’s going on here: Putin traveled to Central Asian Turkmenistan on Wednesday for a summit of countries bordering the Caspian Sea. And practically left there.

Putin last traveled abroad in early February for the opening of the Winter Olympics in Beijing. After a short trip to Tajikistan on Tuesday, Putin met in the Turkmen capital of Ashgabat on Wednesday.