October 22, 2024

Columbus Post

Complete News World

Pan-European review – Support for Ukraine: Yes, but… – News

Pan-European review – Support for Ukraine: Yes, but… – News

58 percent of Ukrainians believe in a military victory over Russia; No one expected Moscow to win. In the rest of Europe the situation is quite different. This is shown by a representative study.

Suffering is great and the situation on the battlefield is dangerous. Nevertheless, morale in Ukraine itself is surprisingly high. Confidence in our own armed forces and President Volodymyr Zelensky seems unbroken. Of course Ukrainians also want peace. But not at the price of selling the homeland and its sovereignty.

A study by the European Council on Foreign Relations also paints an interesting picture of the attitude of the rest of Europe. And there’s clearly — and that’s good news for Kiev — more support for Ukraine, including arms supplies.

Conversely, it is also clear that very few in Europe are willing to send their forces to Ukraine. There is also skepticism about increasing military spending. The study’s authors therefore see “firm but not unlimited support” for Ukraine.

Europe was split in two

In Europe it can be seen that there are two groups: the defenders of international law on the one hand, and the appeasers on the other. The previous demand was for Russia to release territories it had seized and for Ukraine to be allowed to decide sovereignly whether or not to join the EU and NATO. Poles, British, Estonians and Swedes hold this view strongly.

The second group wants to appease Moscow and urge Ukraine to capitulate to the Kremlin in the hope that this will soon lead to peace. Italians, Bulgarians and Greeks lead this camp. The Swiss and Germans also lean towards this side.

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Continued military aid to Ukraine is met with opposition in many countries. Especially in southern Europe, a clear majority rejects it. Most respondents there expected a Russian victory.

Those states most committed to supporting Ukraine — and seen as the most reliable allies there — fear that Russia will invade other European countries after victory or partial victory.

This is how Switzerland thinks about war

On many issues, Switzerland is not clearly in one camp or the other, but leans toward the appeasers. The majority of people here will push Ukraine towards peace. According to this study, a significant increase in defense spending will not win a majority. A Russian victory is considered more important in this country than a Ukrainian victory.

Most of the investigation’s findings are not good news for Ukraine. They raise doubts about whether the West will be quick enough to support Russia to pressure it.

It’s not good news: In all countries surveyed, people expect the war in Ukraine to continue — for years to come.