October 22, 2024

Columbus Post

Complete News World

Mammoth Mountain California: 20 meters of snow at the ski area

Mammoth Mountain California: 20 meters of snow at the ski area

Mammoth Hill

A California ski resort was submerged in 20 meters of snow

It’s raining heavily in California again. It has flooded low-lying areas and forced thousands to evacuate, leaving mountains covered in snow.


A ski lift chair hangs from this bracket.


  • California is currently experiencing record rainfall.

  • While tens of thousands of people have had to evacuate due to flooding in low-lying areas, the mountains are covered in snow.

  • Mammoth Mountain already has 20 meters – but there could be more.

Already had to do the weekend Thousands of people from the flood Run away – Now the state of California in the United States is again affected by severe storms. The US Weather Service warned Monday evening (local time) of “very heavy” rain in Southern California on Tuesday, particularly around the cities of Santa Barbara and Los Angeles. Flooding is expected as the soil is already saturated from the rains of the past few months. It has also been reported that there is a possibility of mudslides and landslides.

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At Mammoth Mountain, a volcanic complex in eastern California, the Meanwhile rain in the form of snow. As the pictures show, with almost 200 kilometers of slopes, the ski area of ​​the same name stopped operations. As operators told FoxLA earlier in the week, more than 15 meters of snow has fallen so far this season. That puts you less than two meters away from the all-time record set in 2010.

There is almost 20 meters of snow on top of Mammoth Mountain. The white in the valley covers mainly the houses and makes life difficult for the evacuation crews, the whole ski lift chairs disappear in the snow masses – only the bracket still clings. Up to a meter of snow is expected again at higher altitudes next week – a bit sadly, the all-time record could also fall.

“Atmospheric flow” brings weather chaos

Since January, the state on the country’s west coast, which has suffered frequent droughts and droughts in the past, has repeatedly been hit by unusually high rainfall. An unusual amount of snow fell in the higher elevations of California. A dam across the Pajaro River in central California south of Santa Cruz broke over the weekend. One The neighboring community was floodedLocal residents were urged to leave their homes and move to higher ground.

The reason Heavy rainfall is a meteorological phenomenon called “atmospheric flow”. According to the German Meteorological Service, this means “a relatively narrow, moisture-saturated air directional group” that is 500 kilometers wide and 2,000 kilometers long. Such systems carried most of the water vapor out of the tropics.

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