October 5, 2024

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This is Jonathan Meijer from the Netflix documentary

This is Jonathan Meijer from the Netflix documentary

The new Netflix documentary “The Man with 1000 Children” is about Jonathan Meijer. A sperm donor who has hundreds, if not thousands, of biological children. That’s a problem.

Corina Mill

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Dutchman Jonathan Meijer donated enough sperm to have thousands of biological children in his lifetime. His story is told in a documentary on Netflix.

In one He said in a YouTube video from February 2024, when he was studying to be a teacher, a classmate told him he was infertile, prompting him to donate sperm to help families struggling to conceive naturally. He thought it was good as there was no family history of cancer, diabetes or genetic diseases.

It became an obsession, as the Netflix documentary “With 1000 Children” shows. Meijer traveled the world and donated wherever he could. Because this happened not only in sperm banks, but mostly privately, there is no evidence of how many children Meijer actually had. He has mentioned this over a period of about 15 years 50,000 hours in sperm clinics Must have spent.

Jonathan Meijer had 1000 children

Jonathan Meijer. Image: Netflix

He told “The New York Times” in an interview in 2021, that he was the father of 250 children, and that “the supposition that there may be a thousand is absurd.” In court last year, Meijer claimed she had nearly 600 children. It is estimated that there are up to 3000 more children. A nightmare for families who have children from him.

Possible outcome: sex

In the documentary, parents who used Meijer as a sperm donor give their views. He is likable and charming. He said they want five kids at most and then call it quits. To their shock, the parents later discovered that this was not the case.

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Parents’ biggest fear is that their children will unknowingly fall in love with one of their siblings and accidentally have sex. And Meijer’s immediate children aren’t the only ones affected. His grandchildren also have problems.

These are Meijer’s descendants not only in the Netherlands, but also in Australia, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Mexico, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Sweden, Ukraine, USA and Switzerland.

Majors doesn’t seem to care about these very serious consequences of his actions. These children have many siblings and a large family is important to him.

Last year he was prosecuted for breeding in the Netherlands. He “fathers” a fine of 100,000 euros for each additional child. It is not clear how to prove this. He was already banned as a sperm donor in 2017, but that didn’t stop him from continuing.

According to the clinics’ guidelines, a donor is allowed to donate sperm to a maximum of 25 children or twelve families.

Another troubling development brought up in the documentary is the involvement of a second man. He and Meijer egged each other on, and the whole thing was a rivalry for them. They are also said to have mixed the sperm before giving it to their recipients. Objective: Create some mystery by not knowing who the father is.

It is also said that these men have donated sperm in African countries like Kenya and Uganda. Their goal is to spread their “white sperm”. Meijer has not commented on the allegations.

What is Meijer doing today?

Meijer spends most of his time traveling the world and posting YouTube videos of his travels. He condemns the Netflix documentary, but admits he hasn’t seen it. He refused to participate in the production.

“I think the title is sensational and misleading,” he said in a video posted a month ago. Meijer also insists there are nowhere near 1,000 children. “I don’t know where they are getting this number, I don’t know how they got this information. To my knowledge I have helped 550 children,” he said.

In a video from July 1, 2024, he complained that “the same four or five families always appear in the media.” Meijer was annoyed that they focused on superficial things like her hair and appearance, not on the things she thought were important.

The three-part documentary series “The Man with 1000 Children” is now available on Netflix.


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