October 22, 2024

Columbus Post

Complete News World

Prisoner talks about appalling conditions in Russian prison

Michajlo Dianow, a Ukrainian, was held as a prisoner of war by the Russians for four months

“They treated us like animals”

Michajlo Dianov from Ukraine spent four months in a Russian prison. He wants the world to know about the cruel torture methods and intolerable conditions there now.


Ukrainian Michajlo Dianov left a Russian prison in a very emaciated state. He lost 40 kilograms in four months.

Four months in a Russian prison. Four months of life. Ukrainian Michajlo Dianow went to hell. with “Sky News” He has now spoken about his time behind bars.

“There was an inability to eat. We had 30 seconds for each meal, and then we had to immediately get up and run,” says the Azovstal fighter. A prisoner of war in Olenivka prison in Russian-controlled Donetsk lost 40 kg. Roti was deliberately difficult: “For those with knocked out teeth, time was very short. When you close your eyes after a month of starvation you forget family, country, everything. All you have in mind is food.”