October 22, 2024

Columbus Post

Complete News World

Job satisfaction: Most of the people leave from within


Call of duty91 percent of Swiss people gave notice locally

Most employees in Switzerland want to leave. Job satisfaction drops dramatically.

Fabian Boschl

Job satisfaction: It’s everything

  • Only 54 percent of employees in Switzerland are satisfied with their jobs.

  • This is significantly lower than in the Nordic countries.

  • Most people want to leave, but few are looking for work.

Job satisfaction is dropping dramatically in Switzerland. In one survey, only 54 percent said they were satisfied with their jobs. This is five percent less than last year, according to Gallup, a consulting firm.

This means that Switzerland is still not at the level of the European average, with only 47 percent of satisfied employees. But that’s a far cry from countries like Finland, Denmark, Iceland, the Netherlands and Sweden, where satisfaction rates are above 70 percent.

No one feels tied to their boss

Domestically, most people in Switzerland have already given notice. Of the roughly 1,000 people surveyed, only nine percent felt tied to their employer; It has one of the deepest values ​​in all of Europe. At 81 percent, most people do their work only according to the rules.

But very few are actually ready for the next step. Although nearly half of survey participants think now is a good time to look for a new job, only one in five are looking for one.

This may also be because Switzerland is less stressful than other countries. While almost 30 percent of employees in Switzerland say they are stressed at work, the figure is 37 percent in Europe.

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