October 22, 2024

Columbus Post

Complete News World

Death of 80-year-old: Italian police investigate spaghetti murder

Death of 80-year-old: Italian police investigate spaghetti murder
A woman has been accused of killing her great-grandmother with a piece of wood. (thumbnail)

Photo: Franziska Gabbert/dpa-tmn/dpa

A woman served her great aunt cheers and sweets, but the old woman was only allowed to eat chopped food. A short time later, the woman who needed care died. Police are now investigating.

No time? Blue news in a nutshell for you

  • A 58-year-old woman has been accused of killing her great-grandmother with a piece of wood.
  • The victim required observation and was allowed to eat only pure food.
  • The daughter-in-law was suddenly made sole heir.

This murder investigation by the Italian police is truly extraordinary: a 58-year-old woman is accused of murdering her great-aunt in a frenzy.

as Ansa news agency writes, the victim required care and was allowed to eat only pure food. Despite this well-known restriction, Grandma gave the old lady uncut spaghetti and sweets when she went to a restaurant. Shortly after visiting the restaurant, the 80-year-old died.

At first the death was thought to be natural, but certain incidents have now prompted an investigation. According to the lawsuit, the 80-year-old is said to have suddenly shifted in favor of his great-niece, who was declared sole heir to around half a million euros.

A charge of aggravated murder

When the grandmother tried to claim her inheritance, the bank employees became suspicious and informed the police. The suspect is now under house arrest and wearing an ankle bracelet. And now he's been charged with aggravated murder — via a piece of spaghetti.