October 18, 2024

Columbus Post

Complete News World

The deadly fireworm is spreading fast

The deadly fireworm is spreading fast

A dangerous sea creature may be buried in the sand on Italy’s beaches.Built by: Shutterstock

Janik Sauer / watson.de

One of the many problems that the climate crisis brings with it is the rapid reproduction of certain species. Due to global temperature rise, the situation arises again and again where one particular species finds better conditions and mercilessly expels others.

It disrupts food chains, which can bring entire ecosystems to the brink of collapse – with unintended consequences for people and nature.

In addition to such long-term damage, in some cases there is a more immediate danger to people. This is what happens when invasive species are particularly dangerous.

This is the current threat to the Mediterranean and especially to the coasts of Italy.

Holidays in Italy: Researchers warn of dangerous firecracker worm

Firecrackers, known as firecrackers, are now growing at an alarming rate in the Mediterranean. This is reported by Austrians among others “Kronen Seitung”.

Impressive and colorful sea worms, which can grow up to 30 centimeters long and resemble colorful centipedes, have no natural enemies and can reproduce themselves.

Fireworm, Hermodice carunculata, Vis Island, Mediterranean Sea, Croatia Fireworm, Hermodice carunculata, Vis Island, Mediterranean Sea, Croatia Fireworm, Croatia *** Fireworm, Hermodice carunculata, Vis I ...

Mediterranean vacationers should be wary of firecracker worms.Collection: www.imago-images.de

Along with their spines, they also pose a real danger to humans: they repel predators and contain neurotoxic secretions. Touching a carnivorous millipede that wants to bury itself in the sand – Burning pain, skin redness and swelling may occur. In some cases, dizziness and nausea may occur.

Spines are often difficult to pull out of the skin because they break down quickly. Fireworms with the scientific name “Hermodice carunculata” are found in seagrass meadows and hard bottoms, and even on sand and beaches.

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They currently find better conditions, especially in the southern Italian regions of Sicily, Apulia and Calabria. According to the Italian daily newspaper «messenger“Yes The heatwaves that have hit Italy for the past three years are a possible trigger for the invasion.

Contact with fireworm: Researchers offer advice to vacationers

One of the researchers working on fireflies at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia was quoted by the “Kronen Zeitung” as follows: “We managed to isolate an irritant, but we are still far from it” to think about the possibility of a cure for the bite.

Anyone who has come into contact with the spine of crackers must Disinfect affected areas with alcohol or vinegarAdvice to researchers.

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