October 18, 2024

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Italy’s new speed camera regulations at a glance – what holidaymakers need to know

Italy’s new speed camera regulations at a glance – what holidaymakers need to know
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Italy is one of Europe’s speed camera strongholds. Popular vacation spots have 11,000 cameras — twice as many as here. This may change soon.

ROME – When it comes to drunk driving, traffic officials in Italy are no joke. Last summer, in the middle of the holiday season, the country announced stricter rules and tougher penalties, and the six points were tightened again in March this year. Activities are not stopped even on holidays.

Speed ​​restrictions will also now have to be adjusted, according to the new draft law – although the controversial regulation in Italy could favor fast bowlers.

Many, very hidden, very close behind each other: speed cameras cause discontent in Italy

In Italy, you should stick to the speed limit as much as possible: the southern holiday destination has more than 11,000 speed cameras, the highest in Europe, among others News from Südtirol Information. To compare: According to Transport Portal bussgeldkatalog.org Almost 4,500 fixed speed cameras, not even half as many in Germany as in Italy.

Improve road safety or municipal coffers? Drivers criticize Italy’s many speed cameras as difficult to see. Stricter regulations for speed cameras will apply in future. (Credit photo) © Imago

The very high number of “autovelocs”, as they are called in Italy, is one of the reasons why many locals feel they are trying to make money. Like a public broadcaster Roy He writes that this is the way speed cameras are installed and offends many citizens and even politicians.

Speed ​​cameras are often hidden and drivers don’t have enough information, according to a review of current measures. Additionally, multiple speed cameras follow each other closely. This has long caused dissatisfaction among local and tourist motorists. And for the staunch protestors: a collective nicknamed “Fleximan” has literally hacked speed camera systems across the country. Italy’s “speed camera Robin Hood” disabled rows of speed cameras with a flex saw, usually overnight.

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New speed camera regulations: Italy makes it more difficult for municipalities to monitor speed cameras

Now politicians are also looking at the current speed camera laws. A new speed camera regulation is due to be issued on Tuesday (May 28), according to which in future speed cameras will have to be approved in advance by the higher administrative offices (prefects). Earlier, concerned communities were able to install speed cameras on their own initiative. In addition, speed cameras must now be demonstrated in their respective locations.

The following will apply in future:

  • Municipalities must obtain permission from the mayor to install speed cameras and provide numerical evidence that the measure is helping to reduce speed-related accidents. This also applies to mobile measuring devices.
  • Speed ​​cameras should be notified with appropriate information: minimum frontage of 1000 meters outside the town, 200 meters in the city and 75 meters on other streets.
  • Speed ​​cameras can only be installed in urban areas with a speed limit of 50.
  • Outside urban areas there should be at least three kilometers between two speed cameras.

The speed camera regulation is set to come into effect within two weeks of its announcement. “They will be used where they are really needed, not as an additional tax,” said Matteo Salvini, Italy’s infrastructure and transport minister and deputy prime minister. “No more speed traps.” German drivers should be more careful about the general speed limit on Italian motorways.

Road safety and making money: Italy debates speed camera measures

As Italian media unanimously reported, municipalities have twelve months to adapt speed cameras to the new requirements. If not by then, they will be uninstalled. Fines are only valid for speed camera systems that comply with the rules – and, as in Italy, these are few and far between. Vanity Fair writes In case of doubt, the Supreme Court will decide.

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It seems that this new regulation will be well received by many drivers. However, it finds little support among Italy’s opponents. “Speed ​​limits help save lives, not make money,” says Social Democrat MP Andrea Kasu. “Everywhere speed cameras are used, the number of deaths and injuries is very low,” said Matteo Donde, an Italian city planner. Republic.

But statistics also show that a lot of money flows into “Autovelox”. The country’s 20 biggest cities could earn more than €75m from speed camera fines by 2022. Codacons, a consumer protection body, determined this based on statistics from the Ministry of Home Affairs. The tourist metropolis of Florence alone recorded income of more than 23 million euros. (rku)