February 24, 2025

Columbus Post

Complete News World

Trump verbatim vin Putin Infos uber Bidens Sohn

Der ehemalige US-President Donald Trump (75) posted this post by Russian President Wladimir Putin (69) as an affiliate, sharing his most informative information with Sohn seines Nachfolgers Joe Biden (79). Schon whrend the Wahlkampf in Jahr 2020 Trump these Infos, Connect nie Beweise daferge vorlegen.

In an interview with Dianstag vom US-Sender «Real America’s Voice The worst case scenario is Trump, who killed Frou’s Emerging Bribermeisters in Moscow, Hunter Biden (52) with a net worth of $ 3.5 million. Trump added: “I’m just going to put Antwort on the line. I mean, it’s just a matter of time.