March 1, 2025

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Police pronounced Melissa Caddick dead

Police pronounced Melissa Caddick dead

Riddles in Australia

Her leg appeared years ago – which is why Melissa is now declared dead

Australian Melissa Caddick went missing two and a half years ago, and walkers found her feet on the beach a few months later. However, authorities have just confirmed that the fraudster is dead.


Melissa Caddick went missing from her Sydney home on November 12, 2020.

Screenshot Youtube/7News Australia

  • Melissa Gadick ran a pyramid scheme that defrauded 60 investors.

  • The 49-year-old disappeared without a trace after police raided his home in November 2020.

  • The Department of Justice declared him dead on Thursday.

Reveals the mysterious disappearance of 49-year-old Melissa Caddick Australian Police A mystery: Caddick went missing from his luxury home in Sydney, only to be found three months later on a remote beach 500 kilometers south of the partially wrecked Cal city. Is it suicide? To date, only one thing is certain: Elizabeth Ryan, assistant medical examiner State of New South WalesThursday, after a lengthy autopsy, Melissa Kadick was pronounced dead.

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The woman was last seen in the early hours of November 12, 2020, when financial regulators raided her home in the posh suburb of Dover Heights. She then went jogging, her husband Anthony Colletti told police. The woman left behind her car and her personal belongings. It wasn’t until 30 hours later that Coletti reported his wife missing.

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At the time, authorities investigated allegations that Caddick ran a Ponzi scheme for eight years, stealing A$20-$30 million from more than 60 investors – including friends and family members – to fund their lavish lifestyles. Caddick traveled in private jets, luxury cars, designer clothes and expensive jewelry.

Their methods were “not particularly complex,” as the investigators explained. The fraudster pretended to be a financial advisor and told his clients that he had invested the money in investments. He complained that he had made profits through forged business documents. When new clients gave Caddick money to invest, he paid existing clients a share as dividends before keeping the rest for himself.

Caddy is gone – millions

After Cadick’s disappearance, police initially pursued two theories: either Cadick was alive, or she went into hiding to avoid justice, or she took her own life. When her leg was found and DNA analysis confirmed the woman’s identity, wild theories spread on social media: Cadick might have been swallowed by a shark or she might have cut her own leg to mislead police.

Coroner Ryan suspects the ordeal that morning nearly two-and-a-half years ago “probably caused shame and disbelief” in Melissa Caddick.
Ryan says the case will remain unsolved — as will millions of missing customers who have never seen the money they invested again.

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You or cap Do you know someone with suicidal thoughts? Or have you seen someone commit suicide?

You can find help here:

Hand givenConcern Hotline, Tel. 143

For the youthCounseling for Children and Youth, Tel. 147

Pro healthy mind, Tel. 0848 800 858, Privilege of the Reformed and Catholic Churches

Muslim pastoral care, Tel. 043 205 21 29

Jewish Welfare, [email protected]

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